Make the Dream you Become Reality

Sometimes you can’t do anything, but cry. That is what I am doing at this very moment. I am so tired of stupid fears. They are the worst and I just want to strangle them until they have no more life left. I am not even sure if you can call it life, because all fears ever do is suffocate you. I am just so over being fearful.

I want to be bold. I want to be that person that can go up to anybody and everybody and talk to them like I’ve known them for years. But that’s not me.

I want to be that person who has no problem sharing my feelings and thoughts with others. But that’s not me.

I want to be confident. The kind that overtakes me and I can stand up for everything I believe in all of the time.

I want to be fearless. No more fears of talking to people, no more fears of failure, NO MORE!

I am so ridiculously over being wrapped up and powerlessΒ over my fears. Deep down I know I can overcome it, through Jesus, but why the heck can’t I just get over it already? It’s so stupid. Of course I am blaming myself. I am pretty much surrendering to my fears, but not to God.

I tell myself, “One day I will get over my fears. One day I’ll be the person I have always wanted to be.” I now know that is a lie the enemy has been telling me. The sad part is I have believed it for far too long. BUT today I am going to rise up! Today is the day where I say “No more fears! No more lies!” Today is the day of becoming all I have ever dreamed to be, but most importantly, everything God has created me to be.

Are you with me? Let’s rise above and beyond the person we are now. Let’s strive to be better. God is with us EVERY step of the way. We just have to be faithful and continue to believe that God is still moving today, because He surely is! Let us triumph ALL of our fears and weaknesses right now!! It’s time we push that devil on the ground (why not add a few kicks in there too?!?) and tell him who our God is and what He is capable of!! In the name of Jesus I declare prosperity and victory!! Amen!!

-This Journey of Mine

6 thoughts on “Make the Dream you Become Reality

  1. Amen! 😊 I’m the same way; fear, anxiety, especially in social situations. It’s much easier for me to talk to people online than it is in person, unless I’ve known them for a while. β€œOne day I will get over my fears. One day I’ll be the person I have always wanted to be.” <– I've told myself that so many times, and it wasn't until you brought it up that I see the lie in it. "One day…" No. Today!!! Thank you so much for this encouraging post! πŸ™‚

    "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James:4:7) Keep on resisting the devil and following Jesus as you're doing, and you can't go wrong! ❀

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    1. Yes, girl! The struggle is so real. Everyday. There comes a time where we just need to step out of our comfort zones. Amazing things happen there too. Oh, how I know that is much easier said than done, but we shall conquer this, prayerfully!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, so real.

        Creating my blog last year was a huge step out of my comfort zone; I had a few anxiety attack after posting the first few posts. I was a nervous wreck. πŸ˜… But boy am I glad that I did! Like you said, amazing things happen outside the comfort zone. And it has been amazing to be a part of the WordPress community and meeting such nice people. πŸ™‚

        Prayerfully, definitely! πŸ™

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      2. Kudos to you for stepping out and doing what you felt led to do, even though it was super uncomfortable for you!! I agree, the WordPress family is amazing! I am so glad that through my post you were able to receive a revelation. I pray that it be sealed in your life and you’ll be able to experience some great growth. I hope you have a very blessed day ❀️

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      3. 😊 Thanks – sometimes it’s hard, but it’s always worth it to go where He leads, even if it is uncomfortable!


        Thank you so much! πŸ’•

        I hope you have a blessed day as well! ❀️

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